Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best Chance: FAIL

So after almost a full year now, I finally got an interview with a place that is nearly identical to businesses that I worked for from 1999 until 2008. Even the position was the same. Field: construction. Trade: masonry. Position: estimator. I can't lose this one, right? Wrong. Alas! It took this long to even find an opening in my exact job description, and even then it didn't come together. Depressing? No, not really. This is reality. This economy can suck it. Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. Take your green shoots and shove them up your arse. That's right, I'm getting violent. Well, verbally so, although that little threat likely fell on no ears, especially those whom which it would actually matter, such as the stupid Fed and their idiot cheerleader squad as championed via the Mainstream Media.

So, what shall I do? Continue sucking off the unemployment rolls it would seem. Hey, it has paid my billz up until this point, for how much longer I have no idea. I honestly can't imagine what any debt slaves that are in my position are doing right now. Oh wait, yes I can, I see it every day. They are losing their homes, cars, toys, and sanity. Do I mock those who overextend themselves? Yes, yes I do. Does that mean I wish upon them the mental anguish as associated with such trying times? No. Well, for the most part anyhow. These days are flat out unfair to the overall populace who, though many got in far too over their heads, allegedly live in this Free, Advanced Society where opportunity as seen through the light of Regular Jobs should not be difficult, or at least not impossible, to retain throughout one's normal existence. But we've seen this all before, time and time again. Why? I still cannot get a straight answer as to why Made Up Money (and yes, it is complete make-believe) works certain years, doesn't others, and then pulls randomly timed 180 degree shifts in any chaotic direction it pleases whenever the hell it wants to. Who is in control here? It certainly is not the general population, no matter how many faux elections they let us "participate" in. Is it the government? Possibly not even them, as witnessed by certain failures across the years (notably the USSR but more recently places like Iceland). Some small group of cigar smoking zillionaires? Probably. The strings of billions are yanked by the hands of 3 old, ugly, disgusting men sitting around a fire in what appears to be a Sartre play, but is so much more serious and deadly. Who the fuck are they? Why do we put up with them? Someday they shall pay for what they've done? Unlikely.

1 comment:

CNWNBRA said...

F*!k. Yes. You speaking my mind brother!