Saturday, April 11, 2009

Layoff Laughtrack

So I was reading the other day that various networks are gearing up to move slightly away from the Pseudo Riche mentality when it comes to programming, and more toward fitting this era of economic despair that we're all facing, or at least reading about on Yahoo Newz. The funniest part about this is while the government reels trying to come up with a solution to This Big Mess, the geniuses of television will have it more than covered within one season, and nobody will really notice the change. Actually that isn't entirely true. The funniest part of this is that Amanda Bynes will soon be someone that every day morons Will Really Identify With because she pretends to face the trials and tribulations of being laid off whilst collecting millions on the newest ABC shitcom.

Personally, I'd rather that awe-inspiring masterworks such as Homomance and The Real Cunts of Orange County would remain on the air, making fun of such plebeian activities like figuring out the monthly bills or reading a book, so that the other 99% of the population can warm up the torches and sharpen the pitchforks, but that isn't likely to happen any time soon. Unfortunately. What I don't understand is that this current economy provides many people the opportunity to take a step back from their usual lives and perhaps change a few things, such as lessening the ridiculous amount of time glued to the idiot box sucking down can after can of Sleaze Cheeze, but that isn't likely to happen now that TeeVee will once again swerve itself into whatever mold the ratings demand.

In other positive news, the recession is coming to an end, did you hear?! Not exactly sure how that is even possible, considering that no new industry has propped itself up to take place of all those that are dying not-so-lonely-but-just-as-agonizing deaths right now. I think this assumption is "well, this crap has been going on long enough, so it will probably be over soon" and nothing more it would seem, which really doesn't make any sort of sense whatsover. Anyone who is looking for a job can tell you how slim the pickings continue to be, and really, without jobs, how the fuck is there going to be any sort of lasting recovery? Oh sure, the governments of the world could give every citizen alive a check for X dollars/euros/shekels/ducats, but once the X is gone and people still don't have a paycheck coming in, it will all be back to where we remain today: wond'ring aloud what the hell is going to happen next.

I just don't buy this whole talk of recovery, not until something huge happens. Oh sure, a few banks have failed only to be scooped up by another one, and tent cities are popping up all around the globe, but I mean a real HOLY SHIT moment. I want to wake up some morning and see GM and Chrysler closing their doors, with nobody willing or able to land on that grenade to keep up operations for even a single day longer. I want to see the Dollar, Euro, and Yen come together in a new global currency, your current wallet will self-destruct in 5 days if you don't trade in now. I want to see Obama declare martial law in Detroit, letting the citizens know the bulldozers are on their way to begin construction on an 140 square mile solar energy field. Until then, we will continue to decline at this gradual, stupid pace, thinking that if we just wait long enough things will go back to how they were just a few years ago.

1 comment:

Mattitiahu said...

I totally wanna see that solar energy field in Detroit too btw. That would totally COSORREE. And then no longer would "EVertything tsmell[s] like CHIKENC right now. ERIIWIRDS."