Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This will likely not make any sense. You have been warned.

This is ridiculous. Why are able bodied people being told "no, sorry, you want to be a slave to a paycheck, and that benefits everybody involved including yourself, the employer, the community, the city, the state, and the government, but we DO NOT WANT YOU." What the fuck is going on? Oh sure, I've looked for jobs in the past and occasionally after 10 to 20 applications being sent out only one or two will respond, but during those times I either 1) got work quickly, or 2) already had a job so was just trying to change my life a bit. These days, oh no, things are quite different. The length of jobs applied for has grown to insane proportions, and I've gone on FOUR FUCKING INTERVIEWS. Four! Not fourteen, not forty, no. Four. FORE!!!

This fucking blows. This fucking blows goats. This fucking blows rabid goats. This fucking blows ugly rabid goats on a hot summer day. I'm also currently (hopefully temporarily) getting jerked around on my unemployment checks, which by the way equal exactly 30% of my former salary so no, let's not pretend that I actually ENJOY having had to cut back 70% of the money aspect of my lifestyle over the past fucking YEAR, hmmm? Well then, now that that has been stated thusly, it's time to move on to something more enlightening:


Maybe since I've been personally kicked in the nuts by all this mess I see it as worse than it really is in the overall picture, but I still do not see ANY improvement to our current situation unless drastic change is enacted. So far, it hasn't happened. We have not witnessed the giant US Bank building in LA being demolished. Gas has not run out in any corner of the globe. GM has not ceased to exist. Obama has not gone on TV pleading the gathered masses to stop killing anyone in a 3-piece suit. Useless celebrities with no talent have yet to be crucified and fed to their own fans. Will it really take such things for Real Authentic Change to occur? To my 3am wired mind, I say yes. Here's to waiting.

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