Friday, September 26, 2008

The Classifieds

So, since I've had a decent career with only two employers over the past 9 years, I haven't unfolded the classifieds much. Sure, periodic displeasure with corporate what have yous forces a scan or two of and perhaps even a posted resume or three every great once in awhile, but I haven't honestly picked up The Classifieds in the local paper for almost a decade. Until today! Fun facts:

The Press-Enterprise
172,593 daily circulation
27 job openings

Granted, this isn't a Sunday paper chock full of more nooses than neckties, but still, if that isn't a sign, well then I'll be your mother's Uncle Monkey walking door to door in his new neighbourhood announcing his most recent sexual offense. There are no jobs right now, even local bands are having a hard time getting gigs these days because bars can't afford to have them play (and believe you me, we don't see much cash from these deals). Eight straight months of job losses with certainly more to come, especially since this has been the most tumultuous month for Wall Street in years, which, even though only a select portion of the population are affected by the Daily Dive, such reverberations are felt throughout the country, if not entire world. Some talk about things "getting better" but we haven't even come close to bottoming out just yet since The Powers That Be are trying their damnedest to delay the tsunami that everyone simply must face. But hey, at least the fundamentals of our economy are strong, right?

I've really been ignoring this blog lately, mostly because of all the financial turmoil going on that has caused me to rant and have at that other blog, which you can find at Ugly and Swearing if you are so inclined.

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