Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Useless Degree

So I was fumbling about the other night, and not that this was some chunk of Golden Advice from a Trusted Source, but it was an interesting concept I came across: don't put your higher education credentials on your resume. Apparently some employers think that those that have a Master's degree somehow feel a sense of entitlement, and therefore said resume will quickly be roundfiled so as to avoid even thinking about such smarminess gracing new presence.

Perhaps this just another case of being overqualified for something, which basically translates to "we don't like your kind 'round here, boy," but I smell something worse. This is a further example of the erosion of knowledge, truth, and justice in this country, because it's not already enough that we hate poor people, we're starting to hate them educated types as well. What would you know, college boy? Sure, having a piece of paper stating I Went To La Escuela does not guarantee intelligence, but it can't possibly be a detriment for a job interview. Well, so I thought.

Where does this idea come from? Have we become a nation of idiots so duped by Faux News and other similar outlets that the truth has become extremely relative to the point that any excuse to shun it is commonplace, expected, and encouraged? Of course this attitude is nothing new, a great man like Abraham Lincoln was able to pretend he was just yer average cornpoke to get done what was necessary in his day, but even with noble instances such as that, the enduring response to this attitude frightens me. Granted, it doesn't take a genius to graduate college (I got my Bachelor's with maybe a 60% rate of attending class), but this reaction to an educated class cannot possibly be healthy for future generations of this land. It's bad enough tuitions have become so high as to keep increasingly not-so-lower income types out, but perhaps that is part of the big plan to keep this club exclusive: the richers will have it, the have nots shall hate it.

Oh well. I'm confused by all this, yet I still can't even figure out why people still eat at McDonald's. Maybe I'm attempting to surmount too large a hurdle. Like I said, level of education is not always indicative of intelligence. At least I can still find solace in The Bizarre Reverend.

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