Tuesday, September 30, 2008


52 days.
45 resumes.
2 interviews.

There are all kinds of reasons I can be turned down for a job, but the vast majority of these people ignore what I have to offer, and I'm not going too far out of my field(s) or anything. Either my resume has too many swear words (I cut it down to 5 just recently), or the job market blows. Maybe both. Maybe neither! After all, THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE ECONOMY ARE STRONG.

Sure, I was going to avoid politics with this blog and try just regale this select audience with personal tales of woe/wonder, but really, how can it be avoided? It is clearly obvious what is going on here: unemployment is skyrocketing because of all the irrational exuberance from the lovely banks currently tanking, which of course was caused by lax regulation standards from the government, many of which stemmed from Alan Greenspan and the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999. Granted, there are peaks and valleys all the time with such things, but the grand scheme of it all is looking pretty bad for anyone that relies on a paycheck, and nearly all of us do. When I first arrived at the last company I worked for, I knew that staying employed would not be the easiest thing in the world because of the pending economic slump that anyone in the housing industry should have noticed early in 2006. I worked in residential construction from 1999 to 2008, and I tell you what, there was a massive shift in frequency of work by March of 2006. All of a sudden we went from up 10 new projects a day coming in the door to maybe 5 per month. It was, quite literally, as if someone had shut off the tap. So, one can point many a finger, including several at myself, but if the overall economy was not currently in a tailspin, few would have more than a digit or two to aim toward anything (there are of course a multitude of exceptions, but let's just discuss willing and able employees for the time being). The overwhelming majority of people I know that are currently out of work, including myself, WANT TO WORK. Sure, the first few weeks of sitting around were a little fun, once the initial panic wore off, and I'm very glad that I beat Final Fantasy IV for the first time ever without using someone else's save data (I last played this game in 1995), but fuck me sideways, I'm gettin' a wee bit bored. Granted, if the government would continue sending me the meager unemployment stipend I receive twice a month for the rest of my days, my desire to work would be quite a bit lessened. But I know this isn't a free ride. This is simply a cushion to use between jobs/careers/daysouls so that I can still pay them billz, and it will be gone much quicker than it took for them to send me the initial check. So yes, indeed, quite, rather, sure, yes, you got it: put me back to work. College graduate, strong back, good with the typing and the talking, $17.30 an hour minimum, and I'll do anything. Call me.

Hey, it was either blab about this or bitch about the difficulties I'm having trying to get COBRA health coverage right now. Yeah, that paragraph up there just got a whole lot more interesting, didn't it.

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