Friday, August 15, 2008

Reposado Tequila and Spicy Beef Jerky

Ah, freedom. Horrible horrible freedom. Freedom from having to go to work every day. Freedom from waking up at a reasonable hour. Freedom from being able to pay all your bills, much earlier than on time, without having to consult the checking account because there's always enough money in reserve... whoops.

Last year was the first time I started paying any serious attention to the economy. Since I was a political science major in college, I always had at least a passing interest in all thinks monetary when it comes to state actors, but I just recently realized that the reasoning behind my interest finally becoming piqued concerning the whole madness behind it all was due to the fact that this current economic downturn, which I became knowledgeable about around Q2 2007, was the first such occurence where I was My Own Man and had responsibilities of myself and others resting upon my forehead. The last recession in the US was in 2001, when I was still getting drunk 16 times a day while ditching most classes as I finished off my degree (perhaps a little more sluggishly than I should have but hey, I only stuck around for one additional quarter beyond my four year allotment). Back then my bills consisted of a $325 room for rent and basic automotive repairs on an 1986 Toyota pickup, not entirely difficult to meet even with a modest salary. Today is different, hence my further concern with How The World Is Falling Apart.

It all changed when I got laid off. I stopped being paranoid about when the dollar would collapse, when gas would run out, and when my (now former) company would finally succumb to bankruptcy. No, now my primary concern is making sure myself and The Woman can continue some semblance of a normal existence. Certain factors have come into play to realize that yes, we'll be fine for a few months without me working, and if Job Not Actualized by year end still reigns supreme, we can make a few adjustments to avoid not becoming streetbound, hopefully without dipping too far into our savings.

So what has this taught me, thusfar? That I'm just as self-centered as everyone else I bitch about in this stupid fucking country. I don't give a shit if things fall apart around me, I'm solely concerned about me and mine. Do I only care about quality of life declining for others when mine is secured, but then every man for hisself when my existence becomes threatened? Is this the Rich Liberal syndrome coming home to roost, donating to every possible leftist campaign while sucking off the tax breaks like a good Neo-Con, and now eating my just desserts? Well okay, perhaps not that far, especially since I've never been rich, but it has given me a bit of pause concerning such attitudes.

Perhaps I should return to more important matters: watching Blazing Saddles for the 14 millionth time.

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