Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Company First

So I've stumbled across this little qualification a few times in various job posts, and I honestly do not have enough middle fingers to confront it directly, so I'll bitch about it here instead. If nothing else, this here blog is therapy for my own sanity, dig?

This kind of others-defeating bullshit propaganda unnerves me to no end. The expected blind patriotic duty to someone who signs your quickly diminishing paycheck is the equivalent of nazi scare tactics that should have disappeared years ago, or at least by the time Duh-bya left office, but unfortunately unless the working class rises up to reclaim what is rightfully theirs (read: life), I'm sure it will continue until the end of time. Where is the return sense of loyalty when the company sells out to the highest bidder leaving hundreds upon thousands in the lurch with no incentive other than some trivial amount of Worthless Company Stock? How about for the guy who worked unpaid overtime for 25 years and, upon going through a short bit of personal problems, showed up late 3 days in a row which gets him shitcanned by his new boss, some kid younger than the elder's resume? Hint: it doesn't fucking exist, so don't you dare pre-accuse me of pending treason before having so much as earned the right to speak my middle god damn name, you fascist fucking pigs.

With extremely rare exception, companies exist solely for their bottom line. I don't care how many times your boss bought you and your family dinner last month, because the moment you begin to effect their dollar-making existence in any negative fashion, you're gone. Out. Smell you later. Oh sure, if you are one of the lucky, you may get a warning of some sort, in the form of one too many ignored phonecalls or an uncomfortable/accidental "conversation" in passing with someone in charge of your soon demise, but even this may only plainly be seen upon hindsight reflection. Call it a flaw of capitalism or just selfish human nature, this is how the working world works. Employers always put their own interests first. Provided employees line up within this realm of interest, strictly adhering to their own will at the same time of course, a mutual understanding and working relationship can and should remain formed. Neither side should delude the other, or themselves, into thinking otherwise.

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