Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Not counting unemployment checks and bank account interest, that is how much money I've made since losing my job. I used to make $95 before lunch on a daily basis. Scratch that, I just did the calculation, I used to make $95 just after 10:30am each work day. Wow. That is far too depressing a statistic to continue on this current blog-path. Think I'll go hang myself, or at least visit http://www.freetetris.org/ for a spell. Gone.

Okay nevermind, after the initial shock of that horrific exercise in wallet-sized mathematic discovery, I'm back. Didn't even get a single round of Tetris off even. Why? Because that number really doesn't matter. No giant burden has unleashed itself unto my household since last August, and even what few moneyfights The Woman and I have succumbed to have been brief at worst. Well okay, I think with one I ended up waltzing out the door off to the hills for the majority of the night, without my cell phone of course because yes I'm Just That Mature, but that was an isolated incident. Generally speaking, I'm probably a happier person these days, regardless of the fact that certain months we barely squeak by with Them Billz, because money is only a tool to be utilized when able, nothing to get chained down by when not.

So. $95. More than 10 months. No temp jobs, no great musical escapades, nope. Just a handful of freelance writing assignments, obviously few and far between. I stopped hearing from numerous job applications in any way, shape, or form months ago. Hopefully they'll keep pumping my mailbox with unemployment benefits as this Economic Recovery begins to take hold. Just kidding. There is no recovery. Not for years. Wait and see.

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