Thursday, August 14, 2008

One Week

Tomorrow at 2pm marks one week of me in an unemployed state. After 3 days of manic depression ranging from "we'll be fine" to "HOLY LIVING FUCK WE'RE DOOMED!!!" I established acceptance of my position. With zero credit card debt, the year lease on a rental condo expiring in 2 weeks, 11 payments left on my car, the woman's car being liquid, and a small amount of savings between the two of us, there are certainly worse positions to be in. If I can't find work by December 1st, we'll just move somewhere cheaper, like the Yukon. Pretty decent optimism considering we watched Maxed Out tonight.

Anyhow, onto my accomplishments this Initial Seven Day (hopefully) Trial Period:

-one moderately successful job interview, one not so successful business contact phonecall, one paid freelance writing assignment ($25, w00t!), and nine additional prospective job offer emails ignored by their recipients

-one extremely loud band practice utilized to vent frustrations at the world (a very necessary component of my state of being that day)

-finally finished watching Season Four of Futurama

-found a new pornstarslut to umm... meditate to: Priya Rai

-shaved my entire face for the first time in years

-drank 3 beers on Saturday, caught a pretty sweet buzz (2x Chimay Blue, 1x Chimay Red, and believe you me sister, skip the Red and go straight for the Blue)

-multiple miles of speedwalking while listening to Deströyer 666 (this was key to my sanity this week)

-started a new blog

-bored myself and up to three others with said new blog

So yeah, I'm okay. I won't start panicking (again) for at least a few more days.

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