Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hectic Complacency

So I'm well past 4 months of joblessness now, and I do believe I'm a bit used to things. One very odd thing that I did not expect: I'm freakin' busy! Never would I have thought that I'd have so much to do while not working. Oh sure, many days I sleep an extra 2 or 3 hours just because I can, but I figured I'd have some trouble unassing myself from the couch after a few weeks, and even more difficulty assuaging my own boredom, but that really hasn't happened. Granted, I've spent a bit more time with my family lately, and I did join a second band, but even factoring that along with the extra sleep (which isn't daily), the numbers don't quite add up. I was at work 45+ hours per week consistently since 2001, other than the occasional day off and vacation (and prior to that I worked 20+ hours while going to school, which was an even busier schedule), but I seem to have about the same amount of Do Nothing time now as I did throughout all of then. Although perhaps I'm just bad at numbers, much like when you go visit your grandparents when you're little the drive seems to take several weeks if not years, then when you start driving yourself down there you realize it's only about 45 minutes.

I suppose the point of all this is how much I hate work. Where'd that come from, you ask? I think I just told you, I say. Since our budget was already adjusted for a pending company collapse, so far (knock on wood) money has not been an issue. Provided I can keep that up, I'm perfectly content. I've told a few people that I'm getting bored, but really, I'm not. Oh sure, it has happened once or twice for an hour or two at a time, but that's about it really. Like I said, my time is pretty well occupied. That doesn't mean I'm not still looking for work, because I very much am, but at the same time, I've grown to recognize that things are getting worse and worse for those seeking new employment, and even for those that still have a job, but truly, I'm very much okay with this current station of my existence. However, much like when on the terlit, things seem just fine until the paper/money is gone, so hopefully by the time that occurs I will regain my title of Average American Douche Who Hates His Soulless Fucking Job.

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