Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Fake Economy

Something that has bothered me for some time now is just how simple a solution the entire economic problem should be, at least in theory. To simplify, I'm going to place this into geometric proof format (note that I have not taken a class on geometry since 1995 so I'm likely to get this style completely wrong):

1) Fractional reserve lending allows banks to hold only 10% in reserve compared to what they lend out to consumers and businesses.
2) Using this so-called math: 10 = 100 (aka $10 = $100).
3) This shit is all made up.

Explained in such terms, a lot of people out there surely must think that it has to be more complex than this, but really, I do not think that it is. Nothing, absolutely nothing is any different with today's world than it was before this crisis began, it least in vastly sweeping generalizations. There are no widespread oil, food, or water shortages in places that didn't already experience such things. The made up shit as proven above just shifted in a different direction than it was headed. That's it. Same thing during the Great Depression. Period. This is not difficult to understand, although it may be excruciatingly painful to comprehend. So, since it was all made up to begin with, why is there not a simple made up solution to end it all? I don't have the answer, so instead I shall end this rant with the following three quotes and allow any passers by to draw their own conclusions:

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
--attributed to Henry Ford

I just found out that unemloyment recently gained a third extension, pushing benefits up to 79 weeks total. Some would say this money is to make sure I can still pay most of my bills on time because awwww the gubmint likes me. But I know that it is only to keep me sleeping somewhat soundly each night instead of raping/pillaging various other households. Of course since I only bitch about such things from the safety of my cable internet connection instead of getting out there with the ol' R&P, I'm just buying into their "solution" along with everyone else asleep at the wheel. What can I say, pobody's nerfect.
--me via Facebook

I’m glad [mushrooms are] against the law, 'cause you know what happened when I took ‘em? I lay in a field of green grass for four hours going "My God… I love… everything." The heavens parted, God looked down and rained gifts of forgiveness onto my being, healing me on every level – psychically, physically, emotionally. And I realised our true nature is spirit not body, that we are eternal beings and God’s love is unconditional and there is nothing we can ever do to change that. It is only our illusion that we are separate from God or that we are alone. In fact, the reality is that we are one with God and he loves us. Now if that isn’t a hazard to this country. You see my point. How are we gonna keep building nuclear weapons, you know what I mean? What’s gonna happen to the arms industry when we realize we’re all one? Ha ha ha ha ha. It’s gonna fuck up the economy. The economy that’s fake anyway. Which would be a real bummer, you know. You can see why the government’s cracking down… on the idea of experiencing unconditional love. Isn’t it interesting that the two drugs that are legal – alcohol and cigarettes – the two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you whatsoever. And drugs that grow naturally upon this planet, drugs that open your eyes up to make you realize how you’re being fucked every day of your life. Those drugs are against the law. Wow! Coincidence? I don’t know. I’m sure their motives are pure.
--Bill Hicks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are not alone