Monday, August 11, 2008

First Monday

Today is the first Monday of this journey into joblessness. My career in residential construction, which I began in 1999, ended this past Friday. I was not entirely shocked, as construction in general along with the economy as a whole have been tanking a bit recently. I may have over 13 years of work experience under my belt, but of the four workplaces I have been a weekly paycheck recipient thereof, this was the first to tell me to take a hike rather than the other way around. It felt a little different, if by a little different I mean the opposite of satisfying combined with the gosh-I-almost-felt-it mental kick to the teeth. So far I have heard back from four potential new employers: two were scams, one "thanks but no thanks," and a final possibility that I submitted a paid writing sample to just this morning.

I went to the store a short time ago, first heading out to my car to scrounge up the Emergency Jackson I keep in the ashtray, so as not to dip into the blank account just so fast. I walked there, not so much for exercise, but rather to conserve any amount of gasoline that I can. No I'm not that effing broke just yet, but in case this turns into a longer stint that I'm hoping, might as well get used to the Cheap Bastard ways as soon as I can. At the store I spent a solid 30 minutes shopping for 10 items, just to make sure I unleashed the most cost effective ways of everything possible:

Well okay, I did splurge on the mayo and relish for my Daily Tuna Serving, but only because I can't stomach even purchasing anything with high fructose corn syrup in it, no matter how poor I may become.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barbasol is just as good as all the other shaving lathers on the market. BTW - I've been using the same 4 razors for the past two months. You simply need to make sure to dry them off thoroughly after every use.

Pics to come