So, this will be my last blog here but it was fun while it lasted I suppose, and I hope that anybody reading it learned something, at the very least just how often I can swear at inanimate objects. If/when I find myself under untimely unemployment once again I shall start things up post haste, but hopefully it will be a long time before that happens. Who knows? Don't forget to visit my other rantsite Ugly and Swearing in the meantime.
You know what? Fuck all that. I can't just close it out saying "'k bye, gonna buy a new bass now lolol," because I really have learned a few things over this past year. First, I don't care about your feelings of job security, in economic times like these nobody is secure in their employment, and while you don't want to live your life in fear, I am VERY FUCKING GLAD that a little personal foresight combined with my wonderful domesticated situation with a frugal womanlifemate allowed the two of us to get through an entire year without having to make any drastic changes in our lifestyle. We had a backup plan if things got really bad, but thankfully we didn't need to resort to cashing out saving and retirement funds, moving, or selling something huge like my soul, vehicle, or manhole. Granted, we got pretty damn cheap a few times (and by "a few times" I mean "CONSTANTLY"), but we still had some fun spendy holidays, a vacation or two, and even ate out at restaurants more than I assumed we'd be able to, which translated to Once A Month instead of the Never that I expected. However, although I was already well on my way toward Responsible Spending when this whole escapade brought itself so unwelcomed upon my face, this misadventure really has taught me about the value of money and just how fleeting it might easily be. We're going to be taking a more serious look at buying a house now, but I doubt that I will ever forget this experience (at least until I grow senile, if I'm fortunate enough to make it that far), and my lifestyle has been permanently adjusted to a way of being that may not involve a terrible amount of Instant Gratification, but will hopefully limit our stress while still enjoying life at the same time. Virtue is its own reward? Well hopefully not that far, but something similar when it comes to things wallet I suppose.
I'm still going to buy that bass though. In a few months. Maybe.